Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Giants or windmills?

    Do you have any idea how draining your life becomes once you start going to therapy? All these preconceived ideas that run rampant in our head, only for us to finally have a deeper understanding of where they come from. To those who are unfamiliar with Don Quixote by Miguel Cervantes, let me share this with you. In Chapter 8 of the book, our protagonist charges against windmills thinking that they are giants while his best friend Sancho Panza is trying to get him to realize the reality of the situation. It is not until Don Quixote is knocked off by the windmill that he comes to the realization that it was never a giant, but sorcery that had been placed on him making him believe that they were giants. 

     So what does all this mean to you? Well, I am sure that we have all faced our "giants" only to realize that they were windmills all along. We allow our intrusive thoughts to run rampant within our minds and we allow them to consume us with whatever emotion these thoughts conjure up within us. 

We become impulsive. 

We become irrational. 

We become blinded. 

We become a Don Quixote.

    I'm not going to try and paint myself as a Saint, I am much like Don Quixote if not worse; however, I am not redirecting the blame on "sorcery," I try to take accountability for the ways in which I allow my emotions to take control of me. I guess in some way, I did try and perform my own sorcery, a ritual. This in no way has dramatically changed me. Performing this ritual was not like flipping a light switch and all of a sudden I have become a better Man, Husband or Brother. It was more like a dimmer, and it's slowly moving in the "right" direction.

    Just in case the video is not viewable, I burned all of my journal entries from 2022, and rubbed the ashes against my hands. Why? Because I was trying to let go off all of my "giants." I had realized that they were nothing but windmills... nothing but windmills...


  1. Wonderfully courageous to share your inner challenges publicly, Diego :-)

    Smart to post a photo in case the video is not viewable (it is unviewable to me) ^_^

    May you command and conquer your emotions and slay any giants/windmills in your way!

  2. There is something cathartic about watching things burn. I have found, living this life. that we as people make mountains out of molehills most of the time and we can't let things go.
    Bravo Diego!

  3. I admire your grit. "For neither good nor evil can last forever; and so it follows that as evil has lasted a long time, good must now be close at hand." - Don Quixote

  4. Don't compare yourself to others. Every single person on this Earth has enough to deal with to fulfill 100% of what they personally can handle. Everyone's problems are form fitted to who they are and cannot be pitted against each other in comparison. By that I mean you can compare them for the sake of help, but if you try to quantify your problems to decide who has the worse issues it will just end poorly for everyone involved.

  5. I am glad you are able to leave the past behind and start fresh. I wish you the best!

  6. Hello Diego, it is true we can become so overwhelmed by racing and intrusive thoughts that could make us believe something that is far from the reality. Don Quixote can appear as a symbolic representation of how we could also be victims and become deceived/ irrational about things in our lives that appear to be so immense and dangerous but are in fact harmless and pose no threat. It is also important to address these thoughts and its sources so we can better manage and have more control over our thoughts than the thoughts have control over us.

  7. Human is irrational, most of all could not see things in rational things. In relationships, I should duel with their emotions but not the conflict. That's something I learn in my 16th year.
    Hope you can stay thinking irrational!

  8. Wow, what a content. All i want to say is i am also a bit superstitious. However, the destiny lies in our hand with help of our mind.

  9. Fantastic post Diego! Stay strong and know that everything can be overcome! I hope you're feeling better after leaving the past behind you!

  10. Personally, I can understand therapy being draining and I tend to stay away from therapy. Thank you for being open about your challenges and I love the idea of burning journal entries, I'm definitely going to have to try it!

  11. Wow. The process of examining our preconceived ideas and gaining a deeper understanding of where they come from can be challenging, but it can also lead to greater self-awareness and personal growth. Your metaphor is a great portrayal of it. Thank you for sharing!
