Thursday, April 6, 2023

Ain't no rest for the wicked

    Do I plan on resting, living up the spring break dream of getting blacked out drunk and partying all day? No. I got that phase of my life out of me when I was in the Navy. The only thing I plan to do is continue to go to work, take care of my homework, and be a dad/husband. The constants in my life; however, I do plan on reading in my spare time! I haven't read in a very long time. I remember how I would read several books a year when I was in High School or even in the Navy, and I've lost touch in that side of me. My therapist recommended me to read a book, and a lot of my reading has been based on suggestions. She recommended to read Atlas of the Heart by Brené Brown. 

    This suggestion was brought about on my difficulty to manage my emotions. One of the things that stuck with me in my last therapy session was understanding that it is difficult to manage your emotions if you don't know what emotions they are. So here I am, diving head first into this book expecting multiple emotional slaps to the face.


  1. Glad you got that phase of your life out of you ^_^

    Adulthood come with responsibility and little time for oneself!

    I hope you will find spare time after the semester to read :-)

  2. I watch a ted talk by Stephen Duneir and he said it's about that decision to pick up a book and read one word, if you read one word you read two words, a sentence, a paragraph and next thing you know you've read a whole book.

  3. I have bought so many books that I wish to read and yet there are nothing more that bookends for other things. These books are quality, informative , educational books. I somehow don't have the time to read those books. However, don't let me buy a fantasy book and then I have all the time in the world to read it. Go figure.

  4. I wish I could be a boyfriend during semester break too. haha You look like so young like 22 something? You would be a young and handsome dad.

  5. I, too, just started to read again, after years of not touching a book. I use to be someone who would devour an entire book upon flipping past the first page, but that later changed. I have begun re-reading all my Jane Austen books that I have held on to, and I hope you are able to get back into it too! You forget how enriching it is and how it allows you to connect to your deeper true self. :)

  6. Reading could be very therapeutic personally I love to read for fun getting in a book and playing it as a movie in my head is such a wonderful experience that I wished others loved to do as much as I do. It's good to hear you have goals to succeed and futher your life not only for you but your family.

  7. I think you should read Pride and Shame by Nathanson. The book shows how emotions really work.

  8. I actually might pick up that book as well, sounds very interesting and insightful! Perhaps we gotta start our own book club :O
