Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Didn't know what buffering actually meant

    One of the things that really caught my attention when we were going over this chapter was what buffering actually means. My lack of knowledge, and lack of inquiry would cause me to assume that buffering meant the same as lagging. Now I know that when a video has the "wheel of death" and is buffering, whatever server the information is coming from is temporarily storing the files data on our device of choice. Knowing your terminology is imperative to having a deeper understanding in this world. 


  1. Well said about knowing one's terminology!

    Communication begins with understanding. How can understanding be achieve if not using the correct terminology?

    Glad you learned about buffering from 1.2.14 Online Streaming Facts :-)

  2. I thought the same thing and we are now fully informed. 😁

  3. Buffering is still annoying though even if it is meant to stream more fluidly.

  4. terminology helps us generate a complex concept in our brain in a just second without a lot of explanation.

  5. If it is storing the data in our computer, why does it take so long? I will look this in Google.

  6. Wow, I also assumed that buffering meant a delay/lag. Thanks for the correct terminology.

  7. Yes, I definitely didn't know that files were being uploaded and that caused buffering issues.

  8. You know recently I saw a clip of a stand up comedian with Tourettes syndrome. In the middle of a joke he had a tick and started stuttering, he followed up with "I'm just buffering". Easily one of the best bits I have seen in a while!

  9. Buffering is happening usually because your internet connection is bad. Either get an ethernet cable or get better WiFi.
